Congratulations are in order to all of our community-wide students, both high school and college, whom have completed their studies and graduated in this unprecedented school year. Also, I’d like to extend a congratulations to our student athletes who participated in a variety of athletic programs and participated in championship tournaments. What an accomplishment! Enjoy your summer!
By now, everyone should have received information via U.S. Mail, concerning a direct benefit payment from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds received from the federal government. Please be sure to complete your applications by the deadline(s) provided and send them in, to claim your funds. Similar to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (C.A.R.E.S.) monies received, we are under even more stringent spending guidelines and reporting provisions; which is why we are requiring our members to complete a simple application prior to receiving ARPA funds. Additionally, please be sure to complete and submit the survey on the back page of the application. Statistical results from the survey will assist with making decisions about how ARPA funds may be expended on our infrastructure needs and how to best serve our communities. If you did not receive an ARPA Fund application form in the mail, please contact the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible. Allegany: (716) 945-1790; Cattaraugus: (716) 532-4900; Buffalo Office: (716) 951-7555
This is a very busy time of year for our office and our Fiscal Department. Budget season officially began on June 1st and several budget meetings have already taken place. Additional budget meetings are scheduled for the remainder of July and the months of August and September. The final budget is on track to go before Council for approval in September. This is also the time of year when annual audits are performed and reported. Our investment portfolios are steadily moving along, as expected. The Minors’ Trust Fund continued to grow during the pandemic, as funds are invested in high grade tax exempt bonds funds, in accordance with our investment policy statement. Our insurance claim has been settled and closed out for approximately $975,000.00 including equipment repairs and recovery of lost revenues due to the transformer being damaged by birds back in December 2020, which caused the Irving Bingo Hall to be closed. All in all, we are still in recovery mode from the economic impact of the COVID pandemic. I have complete faith in our highly functioning and capable Fiscal Department staff to keep all fiscal matters in order and keep us all informed.
Every week we can keep the cases of COVID-19 infection at zero, in our communities, is a week closer to being on the other side of this pandemic. Please consider getting your COVID-19 immunization shot(s), if you haven’t already done so.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.