Nya:weh sgënö ga:gwëgöh, agajëgwah gagwe:göh jöhiyoa:jë’, November is a time of Thanksgiving. In our daily address we give thanks to everything around us which supports, sustains and protects us. We give thanks to one another and become of one mind. Our ancestors gave us this address to keep peace and balance so we can live […]
Ja:goh Jared W. White! Credit: GCS FB Gowanda Central School District graduate Jared W. White, Class of 2011, is a descendant of the White family, proud members of the Seneca and Onondaga nations, hailing from the Indian Hill region of the Cattaraugus territory. After commencement over a decade ago, Mr. White decided to pursue the […]
Now that Halloween is over and everyone has had their fill of candy treats, we focus on cleaning up the fall and Halloween decorations in preparation for the upcoming winter season. Do you ever wonder what to do with all those carved pumpkins sitting on the front porch? Look no further than our very own […]