
SENECA FIRE 2022 Election of Officers

New officers were sworn in by SNI Clerk Marta Kettle, Tuesday, February 1, 2022 in a small ceremony with just the elected present.

President: Scott Lay (absent)
Vice President & BINGO Chair: Terry L. Nephew
Treasurer: Melissa Schindler
Recording Secretary: LeighAnn Jackson

Fire Chief: Presley M.C. Redeye
First Assistant Chief: Duane “Dude” Carry Moccasin
Second Assistant Chief: Tim Maude
EMS Chief: Michele Redeye

Board of Directors:
John Waterman Jr., Millie Fox, Joni Jackson, Mike General, Jason Seneca
Alternate Board:
Nadine “SueSue” Pierce, Jennie Maybee, (absent) Mike Jimerson,
Ten-nia Thomas, Cheryl Pierce

Sergeant at Arms: Matt John
Building Chairman: John Maybee
Financial Secretary: Summer Jones
Delegates: Lisa M. Longboat & Albert Longboat
Steward: Nathaniel John