In the last week, our temperatures have gone from zero degrees all the way up to fifty four degrees, and counting. This can’t be good for the snow snake tracks and I’m sure the animals must be getting confused, as well! I suppose we just have to make the best of it – since that crazy groundhog saw his shadow and said we were in for six more weeks of winter.
I mentioned that groundhog, but what I really like about the winter season is our traditional snowsnake game! Weather permitting, the weekend of March 12th and 13th, we have the 3rd Annual Morrie Abrams Memorial Snowsnake Tournament to be held at the Oldro Snowsnake Track in Steamburg. This tournament started in 2018, and is held in honor of Morrie Abrams, snowsnake pro, ironworker, former Councilman, historian and legendary story teller. Morrie made it his business to always emphasize the importance of teaching our language and culture to our next generation. He was a legend in his own time! If you would like additional information, please contact Gonio Miller at: (716) 265-1287 or Bundy Jimerson at: (716) 378-5928.
Also, there is a culturally rich initiative currently under development at our Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center located on the Allegany Territory. They are in the early stages of erecting a traditional longhouse which will be situated on the culture center grounds. The design for the traditional longhouse is based on written and oral accounts, along with archaeological evidence. Although the longhouse will be a sight to see, its main purpose for being built, is to educate members of our communities and visitors about our connection to the earth and how we have always utilized the gifts provided by the earth. Last summer, with assistance from DPW, Conservation and Allegany National Forest, they acquired a variety of hardwood trees to be used for the foundation of the longhouse. In the spring, they plan to finish debarking the poles and get them set into the earth. This project is bigger than the staff currently employed at the cultural center; and is going to require volunteers from our community to help with de-barking the trees, exterior construction and interior finishing. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this effort, please contact Joe Stahlman at (716) 277-5580.
Although most COVID precautions are being lifted and life appears to be returning to our new normal, we aren’t quite out of the woods yet with this COVID pandemic. The national news reports there are newer, stronger variants on the horizon. Please stay informed and do your part to prevent spikes in our communities.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.