Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson

The Four Corners United Methodist Church was built in 1888. Mr. John Waterman furnished the logs for the plank building. The land was donated by the Parker family and could be used as long as the church used it as a worship place. We have had significant pastoral changes in the past few months, but we are stronger than ever. We do not have a full-time pastor, but we are served by four different lay leaders – including Pastor Dave Rood. These four dedicated, knowledgeable, and inspirational people serve far more than one full time pastor. And so, we continue to use the church as a “worship place”.
Hopefully spring is upon us and this is a time for Mother Earth to bring forth new life. This should also be a time of spiritual rebirth for all of us. We have asked why people don’t go to church. Some of the answers were: “it’s boring, I work all week and Sunday is my shopping day, I sleep in on Sundays, I should go but I feel guilty about things that I have done in the past”. What would you say? Worship is not “boring”, it’s inspiring. Church services last about one hour and you have the rest of the day to go shopping. You can sleep in on Saturday. Jesus loves us and our sins are forgiven. Try going to church and find out how it can add positive energy to your life and spirit.
The Seneca Hymn Singers are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Join them in our fellowship hall and enjoy the time together.
Church services are held every Sunday at 9 a.m. followed by coffee time. Continue to pray for our communities – those who are ill, those who are mourning, those who suffer with addictions, those who are victims of abuse and those who are lonely. Peace.