
Seneca Nation Library – Allegany Branch

Submitted by Glenda Grey

It’s not too late to start your road trip to all the libraries in Chautauqua- Cattaraugus county, stop in and pick up your passport and map. There are 38 libraries in the system and you can get books, movies, audio books from all 38! Did you know that with a library card you can access Libby? This app allows you to choose from hundreds of books to listen to and read with your library card.

You can now stop in and get passes to The Buffalo Science Museum, Erie Zoo, and the Buffalo Zoo? And many other attractions. You will need your library card to use the passes. Now is a great time to get your library card! We are more than just books!

Please call to reserve your seat on June 28th when John Scarano and Cheri Mancuso will be here to discuss their books, Coldspring and Coldspring The Trial. We will be serving light refreshments. Did you read these books? Chilling and accurate accounts of a murder that took place in Coldspring which is now Corbett Hill.

To kick off the summer reading program, Oceans of Possibilities, Tamara Bacho, volunteer from Cornell Cooperative Extension will be here on July 8th starting at 11am presenting a short program on Planning for Pollinators. We will have a community day for our reading program so stay tuned for the day and time. Registration slips are at the library.

On July 8th we will be celebrating 43 years of service with cake and refreshments from 11am – 1pm. For our next author night, we will feature Steve Gordon, July 27th with his series titled, Cold Springs. Seating is limited. Don’t forget coffee hour every Thursday at 10am. Stop in and say hi!