The energy in the air at this time of year seems to always be full of hope and excitement for new beginnings; and time to be spent with family and friends. I went outside the other night and got jumped! It was six to one, but I left three of them on the ground! I may be getting on in years, but I still have a lot of fight left in me. I kept getting tired, but I kept on swinging at those little punks! They started it and I finished it. I hate mosquitoes!
On June 24th, I had the honor and privilege of addressing the Salamanca High School graduating Class of 2022. What an unfathomable contrast to 1971, when I sat among my classmates for our graduation ceremony. My utmost respect and heartfelt congratulations go out to all those whom have completed their requirements and walked in their commencement ceremonies or had their moving up celebrations! Our students have experienced the common bond of navigating through school during the most unpredictable time in our lifetimes: mask-wearing, social distancing and virtual learning. Without warning, practically every aspect of in-classroom learning changed and our students had to adjust. The impact of the pandemic endured for longer than anyone could have predicted and our students didn’t give up or give in. They wore masks, social distanced, attended classes via Zoom and they stuck together through some very challenging times in our history. There’s no way our 2022 graduating Seniors could have ever predicted what they would be facing when they entered their Freshman year in 2018. My hope for all of our students is that they will reflect on this time in their lives and realize what warriors they were – to persevere and prevail. Graduating from high school or moving up to the next grade is not an ending or final destination on their individual journeys; it is the beginning of the next part of their journey. Our students have proven they have the ability to face unknown challenges and create change in their lives, their families and our communities. I saw a news story recently about School 89, in Buffalo, where only seventeen of the sixty-five students in their eighth-grade classes were to be moved up to ninth grade this year. Percentage wise, twenty-six percent of their eighth-grade class moved up, the rest will be repeating. I’m so grateful to know that we have programs in place and teaching staff whom engage in communication with parents and guardians – so our students receive support, encouragement and the best possible opportunities for their education. My hat is off – to all of our students, teachers, liaisons, coaches, guidance counselors, administrative staff, parents and guardians!
I see where the active cases of COVID, in our communities, has dropped to seven active cases in Allegany and nine active cases in Cattaraugus. This is great news. I am also hearing that many in our communities have been dealing with upper respiratory ailments, sinus infections and summer colds. Hopefully, this will not remain the trend and we’ll all be able to enjoy improved health and get outdoors more. Stay vigilant and watch out for those pesky mosquitoes!
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.