If your department has an event you would like the Clerks Office to attend please reach out to Allegany Office: Lexus McClune at 716-945-1790, ext. 3072 – Lexus.McClune@sni.org or Cattaraugus Office: Ashley Warrior at 716-532-4900, ext. 5038 – Ashley.Warrior@sni.org. Both the Allegany and Cattaraugus Clerk’s Office have re-opened our doors with safety protocols in place. Our hours are […]
Gakwi:yo:h Farms will be hosting a Cover Cropping and Crop Rotation class on September 16, 2022 at the farm (time to be determined at a later date)! This class is open to community members who have gardens and is strongly recommended by those who had their gardens tilled by Gakwi:yo:h staff this planting season. Stay […]
Submitted By Nicole Martin Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’, meaning They Protect the Language, is a Seneca Adult Immersion Program located on the Territories of Allegany & Cattaraugus. About our admissions process: there is no prerequisite for entrance into the program, however, you will need to pass the Admissions Test and have ALL application materials submitted by the […]