
From The Desk Of The Treasurer

Nya:weh sgënö gagwë:göh,

Congratulations to the new administration. I look forward to working on new initiatives as well as in my capacity as Treasurer. This is a responsibility I hold in the highest regard on behalf of the Seneca Nation. The fiduciary responsibility to protect our interest in all financial and economic endeavors in collaboration with our Council will be my priority.

The Fiscal Department if very busy leading up to the start of the new fiscal year and with the transition in Administration we will get everyone updated on fiscal policies and procedures. The Seneca Nation Departments, our subsidiaries and investments are extremely comprehensive.

One of our main priorities this administration will focus on housing matters. The Nation’s housing authority was transferred under the Government within the last six months and all activity related to the transition is in process. Once this is completed any initiatives listed in the annual Housing report can begin.

Look for information in up-coming articles.

Stay safe, stay strong,
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’.

Matthew B. Pagels