Nya:wëh sgë:nö,
The days are getting longer and many people are out and about around in the community.
I would like to recognize the Indian Hill Community, for receiving the Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation award. The Foundation is a provincially recognized philanthropic organization committed to building healthy and vibrant Indigenous communities by developing youth and future leaders. Their mission is to provide funding for health, education, arts, culture, recreation and sports for Indigenous youth.
The application was submitted in October of 2021 to help with the costs of renovating their community recreation area. Renovations include a new ball diamond, playground area, restrooms and signage. Their award of $200,000 will help tremendously toward their goals. Congratulations Sgëhö:dih!
The annual Res 2023 conference was recently attended by our Executives and Councillors. The Reservation Economic Summit provides an avenue for us to attend a venue with a higher caliber of networking, business development and American Indian enterprise opportunities. This year’s conference theme was embracing empowering for generations. We are able to present important topics to us such as economic development in gaming, enterprise development, food sovereignty and access to capital to name a few.
I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy some of the exciting activities planned during the recent Community Fair. The Committee created a great schedule filled with family activities and plenty of food. Nya:weh to the committee for your time, collaboration, and dedication to our community.
Keep an eye our as we start our food truck each month. This month Special T’s pizza food truck will be at the William Seneca Building on Friday, April 14th starting at 11am.
As always, stay safe, stay strong.
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’,
Matthew B. Pagels