
2023 SNI Training & Employment Graduation Ceremony

SNI Training & Employment Resource Center held a Graduation Ceremony for the Seneca Training Center program of seven Basic Trainee construction students and two Advanced Trainee class students.

Advanced Trainees students: Kayla Isaac and Keaton Kennedy and Basic Trainees class students: Cooper Gates, Terrance Haring, Kevin Jimerson, Gatlin Isaac, Michael “Sam” Huff, Carolyn Mohawk and Jacee McComber (absent), all completed the 11-week program.

Congratulatory words to the class were given by the Instructors, Tribal Councillors and surrounding Union Representatives from: Ironworkers Local No. 6, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, Sheet Metal/Air/Rail/Transportation, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, International Union of Operating Engineers, Road Sprinklers Fitters U.A. Local No. 669 and Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, Local No. 3, NY as well as the SNI TERO Directors.

Jacee McComber has been accepted into the Painters Union. Cooper Gates & Gatlin Isaac have been accepted into the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local No. 3. Terrance Haring will join the U.A. Plumbers & Steamfitters. Keaton Kennedy is headed to the Carpenters Union where his first worksite will be the new SN Health Center. Michael “Sam” Huff is joining Seneca Nation Gakwi:yo:h Farms. Kevin Jimerson plans to gain more work and learning experience in Commercial Carpentry. Carolyn Mohawk plans to further her education to prepare to join a Union. Kayla Isaac plans on applying her skills in a related field.

Ja:göh to Graduates of the STC spring 2023 class.

At the most recent TERC graduation, one graduate, Jacee McComber (pictured left) was not able to attend. That is because she was called by Painters Union DC#4 out of Cheektowaga and had her come in to do payroll paperwork so she can begin working as a Bridge Painter on Thursday, June 1st. Everyone at TERC is so proud, Jacee!

TERC assists with union fees and monthly dues, tool allowance, workwear, and workboots to assist people getting into unions. To find out how TERC can help you, give us a call or stop by our office.