
Nya:wëh from the Summer Y.E.S. Program

The Cattaraugus Training & Employment Resource Center and Summer Y.E.S. program recipients would like to say nya:wëh to everyone who donated items to their Basket Raffle Fundraiser and those who purchased tickets! Your support for the Summer Y.E.S. program participants’ end of Summer trip is greatly appreciated!

Raffle Winners are as follows:

  • Adirondack Chair Set: Jacky Snyder
  • 50/50: Dawn White
  • Basket Winners: Cheyne Jimerson, Isabella Spann, Steph Seneca, Sherry Thompson, Patrice John, Loretta Stevens, Dawn White, Kristen Sedar, Jackie John, Terry Nephew, Dylan John, Dana Maybee, Eliot Jimerson, Myles Locke, Scott Scanlan, Leslie Cooke, Jayde Stevens, Pat Pierce, Darrelyn Scanlan, Kelly Seneca, Hailey Brooks, Montour Family.

Nya:wëh to the following for the donations to the basket raffle:

  • Treasurer’s Office
  • Education Department
  • Seneca Nation Library, Cattaraugus Branch
  • Surrogate’s Court
  • Cattaraugus Clerk’s Office
  • Cattaraugus AOA Office
  • Toonie Pierce
  • Jackie John
  • Carrie Waterman
  • S.T.C. Students
  • Parents who donated bake goods