September 19, 2023 | Can-Am Lacrosse League
Ja:göh Honyeägëhde’ niohsënö’dëh, Herbie, höwöyasta’. Onö:dowa’ga:’ niöëdzo’dëh, ne’hoh koh he:öweh tadojëh.
Hanyahdë:h hae’gwah. (Seneca, Turtle clan, Lives in Pinewoods on Cattaraugus Territory), who was selected to become an official for the National Lacrosse League for the 2023-24 season. Herbie is the third FNLA referee in our history to make it to the NLL alongside John Szabo and Mark Hientz.
Congratulations Herbie! Nya:wëh for all your hard work and continued commitment to the Creators Game. We wish you much success for the upcoming season!