Route 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory | PO Box 182, Versailles, NY 14168
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
The calendar tells us that it is spring which is a time for rebirth and growth. Soon we will be able to begin planting our gardens. Many of us have already enjoyed wild onion soup and sassafras tea as part of our spring rituals. We are thankful for the bounty that the Creator has provided for us.

Spring is also a good time for spiritual rebirth. There are various reasons why people don’t go to church on Sundays, but worship is inspiring, not boring. Church services last one hour and you will have the rest of the day to enjoy time with family or attending special events. Jesus loves us and our sins are forgiven. Try going to church and find out how it can add positive energy to your life!
On Sunday, 3/31/24 Easter service will be held at 9am followed by brunch. Everyone is invited.
The Seneca Hymn Singers gatherings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Come and join this interdenominational group that gets together at 7pm in the Four Corners church hall. You will enjoy the singing and fellowship.
Continue to pray for healing in our communities. Pray for those battling addictions. Pray for those who are mourning. Pray for those who are struggling with illness. But also, give thanks for all the many blessings that we have in our lives.
On Sunday mornings join us for inspiring words and songs beginning at 9am. After the service we have coffee time and refreshments. We look forward to welcoming you and your family. Peace.