Solomon W. McLane, First Seneca Nation President of 1849
In the first general election on Tuesday, May 1st, 1849, on the Cattaraugus Reservation, Solomon W. McLane was named the first President of the Seneca Nation. He would receive 187 votes out of the 307 men from Allegany and Cattaraugus to vote that day. William Jemerson was named Clerk, and Andrew John (Sr.) was named Treasurer.
Born on the Buffalo Creek Reservation and a member of the Turtle Clan. Solomon W. McLane was raised by Chief Young King, an elected war chief and counsellor to the Seneca people. McLane was a schoolteacher, also appointed Superintendent of Schools. As a temperance advocate, he encouraged the Seneca people to abstain from consuming alcohol
McLane was originally drafted into the position of provisional president in December of 1848 after 72 votes and a council session that declared to abolish the council of chiefs. Creating an elective government.
The Declaration stated: “we, the people of the Seneca Nation of Indians, by virtue of the right inherent in every people, trusting in the justice and necessity of our undertaking, and humbly invoking the blessing of the God of Nations upon our efforts to improve our civil condition, and to secure to our nation the administration of equitable and wholesome laws, do hereby abolish, abrogate and annul our form of Government by chiefs, because it has failed to answer the purposes for which all governments should be created.”
Unlike most early Seneca Republic leaders, McLane could read and write. Only a few of his letters and petitions were documented in the Quaker records and U.S National archives. After McLane’s presidency, he became a peacemaker judge, sadly dying soon after. Solomon and his wife Sara Two Guns lived on the Allegany Reservation were members of Asher Wright’s United Missionary Church.
The Seneca Nation observes President’s Day on June 15th, the late Calvin “Kelly” John’s birthday, (b. June 15, 1920 d. October 8, 2004). John served as a four time President for the Nation (1946, 1950, 1966, 1990) as well as Treasurer and Councilor. John’s role as President was pivotal during the 99-year Salamanca Lease Agreement in the early 90’s.