I hope this message finds you well.
Ó dáië:h (It’s hot)! Although the Summer Solstice was on June 20th, it felt more like the dog days of summer last week. To help you escape the heat during future heat waves, the ACC & CCC have been designated as cooling sites. The Allegany Elder Center and the Wini Kettle Senior Center have been designated as cooling sites for our elders.

Law Enforcement Referendum
On April 13, 2024, Council passed a resolution setting, Friday, July 12, 2024, as the date of a referendum to determine whether the Seneca People support the creation and operation of a Seneca Nation police department at this time.
The referendum is also intended to provide guidance as to whether the public supports entering deputization or jurisdictional arrangements with outside governments that would permit the Seneca Nation to exercise full criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians, as current federal case law has limited Native Nation’s authority over non-Indians. Please look for more information in this edition of the Newsletter and the Seneca Media and Communications Center’s Facebook page.
Ohi:yo’ – Beautiful River
The dangerous overflows of harmful, untreated sewage from the Olean Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Allegheny River are not rare occurrences. They are, unfortunately, dangerously common. The Seneca people are outraged, as I am, that we are forced to continue to deal with this situation. How much longer will our river be beautiful while it is subjected to the ongoing impacts of these dangerous sewage discharges? This has to end.
This past week’s overflow is the second significant overflow from the City of Olean Wastewater Treatment Plant in just the last few months. On April 3, the plant reported two overflows which collectively accounted for approximately 186,000 gallons of untreated sewage discharged into the river, which is a source of drinking water, fishing, and outdoor recreation for millions of people from the Southern Tier down to Pittsburgh. The Seneca Nation also issued swimming advisories for the Allegheny River on May 31 and June 10 for elevated levels of enterococci and E. Coli, in conjunction with regular testing.
The City of Olean Wastewater Treat Plant discharges sewage, stormwater and/or wastewater into the river pursuant to a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Discharges in excess of the City of Olean’s discharge permit have been a chronic occurrence for several years and have been subject of numerous warnings and citations from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).
In 2001, NYSDEC issued an Administrative Order of Consent for the City to upgrade its wastewater treatment facilities to stop discharges into the river. To date, the City has been unable to fully comply with the order, which has subsequently been revised multiple times to allow the City additional time. Currently, Olean has until the year 2042 to become fully compliant with the order and the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
In 2022, the Nation sent a notice of intent to initiate civil action against the City pursuant to Section 301 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a) for discharging pollutants, including enterococci, among other things, in excess of the effluent limits on a regular and continuing basis.
Following yet another significant discharge of untreated sewage into the river, I am directing the Nation’s Legal Department to explore potential options for further legal action.
The Seneca Nation will not be complacent to wait decades for a solution. We will fight to protect the health and safety of our people and our many neighbors who live along, depend on, and enjoy the river. We will fight for Ohi:yo’.
Marvin “Joe” Curry Veterans Powwow – July 20-21, preview night July 19.

The Marvin “Joe” Curry Veterans Powwow will be held at the Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino July 20-21 with a free preview on July 19. Gates open at 10am both days, with Veteran presentations at 11am, and the Grand Entry of Dancers at 1pm on Saturday and 12pm on Sunday.
There will be three admission gates: 1 gate will be inside the Porte Cochere (by the coat check area), 1 gate will be by the event center doors, and 1 gate will be in the main parking lot by the vendors. Shuttles will be available to assist our Elders and dancers from the parking lot to the entrances, and handicapped parking will be marked. Bleachers and seating will be available inside the event center to watch the dancing.
The Museum will be featuring their demonstration tent again this year – be sure to stop in and check them out. Don’t forget our free “preview” night on Friday. Social dancing and limited vendors will be open from 6p-8p. Volunteers are still needed for the weekend! Contact Emily at: if you are interested in helping. For more information, check out
World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference – July 22-25
It is with great honor that the Seneca Nation will be the host for the fourth World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference (WISPC.) The conference will take place at the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino from July 22-25, 2024. The theme of this year’s WISPC is “Reclaiming Indigenous Resiliency and Hope.”
The World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference is an international event to bring Indigenous Nations together to validate our cultural norms and realities. The goal is to contribute to reducing suicide and its impacts on our Indigenous Nations. The very first World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference was hosted by Te Runanga O Ngati Pikiao Trust in Rotorua, Aotearoa/Zealand, in 2016. The second WISPC was held in Perth, Australia, in 2018, and the third WISPC was held virtually out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 2021. To stay updated with the latest conference information, please visit Those interested in attending, please register early. Due to the success of the conference, space may be limited.
Lastly, I wanted to share with you that our Bison Farm had 12 calves born this year and are doing well. If any community member would like to visit the Bison Farm, please call David Isaac at (716) 969-3349.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr., President