
Nya:wëh Akwesasne Freedom School for Hosting Faithkeepers Visit

Dinner and Quilt Auction and Survivor Race Will Take Place on August 24th & 25th

Do you know what the most inspirational sound is?

It’s the sound of children playing on a playground conversing only in their indigenous language. In June, Faithkeeper’s School Montessori Seneca Language Nest staff and parents had the opportunity to see and hear this in practice. We had the pleasure of crossing Haudenosaunee country to visit our brothers, the Keeper’s of the Eastern Door, the Mohawk, specifically, their Mohawk Language Immersion school, Akwesasne Freedom School. Similar to Faithkeeper’s School Montessori Seneca Language Nest, their school bases their curriculum on the ceremonial cycle of Gaiwiio Longhouse Teachings.

It’s been a great number of years since the last time we’ve enjoyed a cultural exchange with Akwesasne Freedom School and are so proud to see the growth they’ve made, especially in recent years. They are currently refurbishing a tribally-owned former cannery that houses an industrial kitchen, greenhouse, instruction area for trades, and also constructing a stand-alone building to house classrooms and multipurpose room. The new campus will be complete with a land-based playground using much of the material that was unearthed for the construction.

We are happy to see their successes and look forward to joining them to celebrate future milestones. They hold an annual fundraiser, Dinner and Quilt Auction and Survivor Race to offset operating costs. This year’s fundraiser will be on August 24th & 25th. We encourage you all to attend, and if you’re athletic, step up to the Survivor Race to compete in a 6.2 mile run, .75 mile swim, 6 mile canoe, 1.5 mile back pack, 15 mile bike and fire starting (natural materials). It should be a great time.

Lastly, we thank the Friends of Freedom School for the hospitality they showed us in true Haudenosaunee form. Also, We:soh Nya:wëh to Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h for sponsoring this amazing trip.