12557 Route 438, Irving, NY
Submitted by Kathy Bloom –
Many Nya:wëhs to all who donated, supported, were involved in, brought their children to, and prayed for the Daily Vacation Bible School held at the Saylor Building last week! A more thorough report will be in the upcoming issue. Brother Mike Gates will be our guest speaker for Sunday, September 1st!
Happy Labor Day – especially to those who work hard for a living! Remember to take time to relax with family and friends and to thank the Lord for the strength He gives us to work. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Genesis 2:2
You are always welcome to join us each Sunday morning for fascinating Bible classes for adults and teens at 10am complete with coffee and snacks, followed by the worship service at 11am. Junior Church for ages 4-9 is available each Sunday as well (with the exception of this Sunday 9/1). Bring the whole family!
Catch us live on Facebook each Sunday morning at 11am under Glenn Bloom’s profile! (note: service will not be livestreamed this Sunday 9/1 but will resume the following Sunday)
Missionary Pastor Glenn Bloom III: (716) 471-6784