Excluding John Oyler from Seneca Nation Territories
WHEREAS, The Seneca Nation has the inherent right to exclude individuals, from Seneca Nation Territory, who cause harm or pose a threat to the health and safety of the Seneca Nation and its community members; and
WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation Council has adopted laws prohibiting the sale, use and manufacture of illegal narcotics within Seneca Nation Territory; and
WHEREAS, the President of the Seneca Nation has the authority, pursuant to the Constitution of the Seneca Nation, to enforce the laws of the Seneca Nation; and
WHEREAS, the President of the Seneca Nation also has the authority to issue Exclusion Orders against any non-Seneca determined to pose a threat to the health, safety, welfare, or property of the Seneca Nation or the Seneca People pursuant to the Exclusion Law (CN: R-11-18-23-13); and

WHEREAS, John Oyler, a non-Seneca, is currently subject to a one-year Exclusion Order, dated October 6, 2023, that is valid until October 6, 2024; and
WHEREAS, after examining the facts and circumstances of John Oyler’s current exclusion, the President has determined that John Oyler still poses a threat to the health, safety, welfare, and community order of the Seneca Nation; and
WHEREAS, due to John Oyler’s reported continuing drug-related activity, it has been determined that John Oyler should be permanently excluded from all Seneca Nation Territories, effective immediately.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that John Oyler is hereby permanently excluded from all Seneca Nation Territories; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that any member of the Seneca Nation who is determined to have knowingly harbored or assisted John Oyler to remain on, or return to, any Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Exclusion Order may be charged in the Seneca Nation Peacemakers’ Court with aiding and abetting a violation of this Exclusion Order, with potential penalties including the withholding of Seneca Nation annuity payments and direct health and welfare benefit payments (elders, disability, etc.,), and any other penalties permitted by law; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that any person holding an interest in the lease of Seneca Nation lands who is determined to have knowingly harbored or assisted John Oyler to remain on or return to Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Exclusion Order may be charged with a breach of their lease with potential penalties including lease termination; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that upon John Oyler’s entry into, or presence on, any Seneca Nation Territory, the Seneca Nation Marshal’s Office, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, is authorized and directed to remove John Oyler from the Territory and to continue to remove him should he return; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that this Exclusion Order shall be personally served upon John Oyler without delay and should personal service be unreasonably difficult or practically impossible, then publication of this Exclusion Order in the Seneca Nation Newsletter shall been deemed effective service; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that John Oyler shall have 24-hours, from the time of service of this Exclusion Order, to remove himself from Seneca Nation Territory; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that if at any time after the lapse of the aforementioned 24-hour period to remove John Oyler refuses to leave, or returns to, any Seneca Nation Territory, he shall be deemed to be trespassing.
Dated: September 5 , 2024
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr., President
Seneca Nation of Indians