Community News

News From The Four Corners United Methodist Church

Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory | PO Box 182, Versailles, NY 14168

Submitted by Marilyn Anderson

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”. Fall is here and we can enjoy picking apples and/or grapes, carving pumpkins, raking leaves, putting away our summer furniture, cheering at football games, etc. Give thanks for the beauty of nature.

The Seneca Hymn Singers meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the fellowship hall. If you enjoy singing in Seneca or if you want to learn to sing in Seneca, you are welcome to join this interdenominational group.

Continue to pray for healing for our communities. Pray for those battling addictions. Pray for those who are mourning. Pray for those who are struggling with illness. But also, give thanks for all the blessings that we have in our lives.

Worship services at Four Corners are held every Sunday at 9am followed by coffee time in the fellowship hall. You and your family are invited to join us for this time of worship and song. Pray for peace and unity in the world. Peace be with you.