Congratulations, we’re so proud of you Prim! This was your 1st Pageant and you took the Little Miss America National Title home to New York! You’re our 1st New York National Winner! You Rocked that stage with 4 – 1st Place Trophies for Back the Blue, Pink Western Wear, Party Dress a 2nd Place Trophy for Mardi Gras Competition and 3rd Place in 1980s, along with 4 – GOLD Medals for Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, and the Beauty Award, SILVER in Personality and Bronze in Fashion, Most Photogenic and Cover Girl!
Prim and her family went down to New Orleans to compete in Baby Miss America (September 6th-8th) in the “Little Miss” age category and took the title home! They are heading to Baby Miss Worlds at the beginning of November.
Prim Williams, age 4, is the daughter of Sierra Parker & Jordan Williams. Ja:göh!