Community News

News from the Four Corners United Methodist Church

Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory – PO Box 182, Versailles, NY 14168

Submitted by Marilyn Anderson

The United Methodist Church adopted the following resolution several years ago:

“Whereas, Christopher Columbus failed to treat the Native People of the Americas with respect,

Whereas, he engaged in human trafficking,

Whereas, he used his influence to establish a culture of sexual exploitation of minors of Native American descent by adults of European descent,

Whereas, he established systems of forced labor resulting in the destruction of cultures and untold suffering for millions of individuals,

Whereas, he engaged in brutal collective corporal punishment, the deliberate repression of Native American cultural expression, and other acts we now correctly name as genocide,

Whereas, he established a culture of exploitation of the earth that continues to dishonor and often destroy God’s living creation,

Therefore, be it resolved that “Columbus Day” will no longer be recognized by the people of the United Methodist Church. “

The Seneca Hymn Singers invite you to join them so that the tradition of singing hymns in Seneca will continue. They are asked to sing at various events, and they need your help. The Hymn Singers are a non-denominational group, and they hope that you will join them on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church.

We welcome all families to join us for Sunday worship at 9 a.m. followed by a coffee hour. Your life will be enriched by the words you will hear and the songs you will sing. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning. Peace be with you.