Community News

Pleasant Valley Baptist Church Update

12557 Route 438, Irving, NY

Submitted by Kathy Bloom

The Hope Challenge team is at it again! Mark your calendars now and spread the word! Saturday, March 1st from 1-4pm at the CCC will be the great youth event for grades 6-12! Last year, many young people came out and enjoyed the day with their friends, families, and all the CCC has to offer! “Whoz Meech”, a rapper and motivational speaker from Buffalo, will be with us again with a great message and concert for all! The students thoroughly enjoyed his music and words and left feeling encouraged and hopeful. For more information, contact Mike Gates at 716-353-2302.

If you currently don’t have a place of worship, we invite you to join us each Sunday morning for fascinating Bible classes for adults and teens at 10am complete with coffee and snacks! The worship service is at 11am. Junior Church for ages 4-9 is available each Sunday during the morning worship service as well.

Catch us live on Facebook each Sunday morning at 11am under Glenn Bloom’s profile!

Missionary Pastor Glenn Bloom III: (716) 471-6784