
Request from the SNI Archives Department

I have a request on behalf of the Seneca Nation Archives regarding the collection of newspaper clippings/articles that pertain to the Cattaraugus Territory/Seneca Nation. Here at the Archives, possibly because it is located at Allegany, we have more access to news clippings that pertain to the Nation/Allegany Territory. We have a serious lack of clippings that pertain to the Cattaraugus Territory and community.

We would like to ask our Elders who utilize the Cattaraugus AOA center if they can collect articles for us. I realize newspapers are quickly fading from the scene. Articles can pertain to Nation events, affairs as well as community-oriented news about individuals, organizations, etc. If anyone is interested, they can clip the article, write the date and news source (newspaper name) on the article, bring the articles to you (Irma) for collection to be sent to us.

These articles can be a valuable source of information in the decades to come. Any help you can give the Archives will be greatly appreciated and I hope you can get a response to this request. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rebecca L. Bowen
Archives Manager
(716) 945-1254, ext. 7849