*NEW* NEWS FROM THE CLERK’S OFFICE Next Erie, PA date: Wednesday, April 17th SNI Annual Registration Incentive Raffle drawing April 1st Clerk’s Office Vendor Days: Allegany – May 10th and Cattaraugus – May 23rd IN-PERSON REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT REFERENCING COUNCIL CERT CN: R-02-11-17-06 Nation Members are to satisfy the annual registration either in person or by […]
Public Notices
The Seneca Nation of Indians are looking for members to serve on the following committees and more! The Seneca Nation of Indians is currently accepting letters of intent to serve on the following committees. *Must be compliant with Nation Law for Boards, Committees and Commission Appointments.*Reference Council Cert. *CN R-03-09-19-17 AREA OFFICE OF AGING (AOA)/ELDER […]
SNI Annual Registration Incentive Raffle
Register EARLY for your chance to win a gift card! It’s a new year fellow Senecas! Let’s get in the habit of registering in the beginning of the year instead of the end of the year. While you’re cruising by the WSB or the SAAB, stop into the Clerk’s office and fill out your registration. […]
Notice of Regular Session of Council
Attention all Enrolled Seneca Members: Next Regular Session of Council to be held on the Cattaraugus Territory Pursuant of Section 12 of the Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians, notice is hereby given to you that the Council of said Nation will convene in Regular Session: When: Saturday, April 13, 2024 Time: 9:30 a.m. […]
News From The Clerk’s Office
*NEW* NEWS FROM THE CLERK’S OFFICE March 9th Regular Council – Appointments Next Erie, PA date: Wednesday, March 27th SNI Annual Registration Incentive Raffle drawing April 1st Please Welcome and Congratulate our new Board, Commission, and Committee member(s): At Regular Council held on March 9, 2024, the following were appointed: Enterprise Board of Directors, LLC: […]
Public Notices
The Seneca Nation of Indians are looking for members to serve on the following committees and more! The Seneca Nation of Indians is currently accepting letters of intent to serve on the following committees. *Must be compliant with Nation Law for Boards, Committees and Commission Appointments.*Reference Council Cert. *CN R-03-09-19-17 AREA OFFICE OF AGING (AOA)/ELDER […]
News From The Clerk’s Office
*NEW* NEWS FROM THE CLERK’S OFFICE February 10th Regular Council- Appointments Next Erie, PA date: Wednesday, February 28th SNI Annual Registration Incentive Raffle Please Welcome and Congratulate our new Board, Commission, and Committee member(s): At Regular Council held on February 10, 2024, the following were appointed: Area Office of Aging (AOA)/ Elder Advisory Council: Sandra […]
Notice of Regular Session of Council
Attention all Enrolled Seneca Members: Next Regular Session of Council to be held on the Allegany Territory Pursuant of Section 12 of the Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians, notice is hereby given to you that the Council of said Nation will convene in Regular Session: When: Saturday, March 9, 2024 Time: 9:30 a.m. […]
Public Notices
The Seneca Nation of Indians are looking for members to serve on the following committees and more! The Seneca Nation of Indians is currently accepting letters of intent to serve on the following committees. *Must be compliant with Nation Law for Boards, Committees and Commission Appointments.*Reference Council Cert. *CN R-03-09-19-17 AREA OFFICE OF AGING (AOA)/ELDER […]
Seneca Nation of Indians Underground & Above-Ground Storage Tank Act Please be advised that the following business located within the Seneca Nation Territories, more particularly on the Cattaraugus Territory, has submitted an application to operate an Above/Under Ground Storage Tank for the purpose of petroleum products. This notice will allow for a 30-day public comment […]