
NOVEMBER 2023 Activities

Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of November. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:


Medicare Open Enrollment

Submitted by Briana Snyder, Seneca Nation AOA Options Counselor Medicare’s Open Enrollment is October 15 – December 7, 2023. Medicare allows health and drug plans to make changes regarding their cost and coverage and allows for those plans to update their networks of providers and pharmacies. During Open Enrollment, Medicare beneficiaries can change their Medicare […]


OCTOBER 2023 Activities

Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of October. For more information call Stephanie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:


Upcoming Seneca Elder Events

Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. Please arrive 2 hours prior to the show for the buffet at the casinos. LeAnn Rimes: Saturday, […]


Medicare Open Enrollment

Submitted by Briana Snyder, Seneca Nation AOA Options Counselor Medicare’s Open Enrollment is October 15 – December 7, 2023. Medicare allows health and drug plans to make changes regarding their cost and coverage and allows for those plans to update their networks of providers and pharmacies. During Open Enrollment, Medicare beneficiaries can change their Medicare […]


Medicare Open Enrollment

Submitted by Briana Snyder, Seneca Nation AOA Options Counselor Medicare’s Open Enrollment is October 15 – December 7, 2023. Medicare allows health and drug plans to make changes regarding their cost and coverage and allows for those plans to update their networks of providers and pharmacies. During Open Enrollment, Medicare beneficiaries can change their Medicare […]


Fall Prevention Classes

Reserve your spot today! Fall Prevention classes are intended for participants ages 60 and over. You will learn how to stretch, strengthen, balance, and fall to prevent further injuries. There will also be fall prevention tips on how to make your home safe. Attendance at all six classes is recommended. 716-945-8414 (Allegany AOA) or 716-532-5777 […]


OCTOBER 2023 Activities

Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of October. For more information call Stephanie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:


Upcoming Seneca Elder Events

Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. Please arrive 2 hours prior to the show for buffet at the casinos. Be sure you will […]