
AUGUST 2023 Activities

Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John Stop down to the Allegany Elder Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of August. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:


Save the Date: Elder’s Summer Event!

Please RSVP to Deanna Luke at 716.532.5777 no later than August 4, 2023. Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 17, 2023. The annual Elder’s Summer Event will take place at the Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center from 11am-3pm. Good News! Seneca Elders (60 and over) can watch their mailbox for an invitation to […]


Senior Stretch Events

Veggie Bucks Earned For Attendance! Join Andrea Spako for Senior Stretch events on Wednesdays starting until August 30th from 1pm-1:30pm. Call 716-532-5777 for more information.


Upcoming Seneca Elder Events

Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. Please arrive 2 hours prior to show for buffet and no later than 30 minutes prior. Be […]


Upcoming Seneca Elder Events

Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. Please arrive 2 hours prior to show for buffet and no later than 30 minutes prior. Be […]


JULY 2023 Activities

Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John Stop down to the Allegany Elder Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of July. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:


Senior Stretch Events

Veggie Bucks Earned For Attendance! Join Andrea Spako for Senior Stretch events on Wednesdays starting until August 30th from 1pm-1:30pm. Call 716-532-5777 for more information.