
Every Child Matters Healing Walk

Our Every Child Matters Community Healing Walk will be held September 30, 2022 at the “Sully” Huff Heritage Center. Save the Date for an evening of Remembering and Healing. More details of the event to follow.


Elder Resource Fair

Seneca Nation AOA – Allegany Territory Stop down to the Allegany Community Center (ACC) on Thursday, September 15th and pick up some valuable information for Elders and Caregivers. We are also giving away LOTS of free stuff so don’t miss it! For more information, refer to the flyer below:


Seneca Elder Summer Jamboree

Attention Elders! Come out and visit, while we celebrate YOU at this year’s Summer Elder Event – Seneca Elder Summer Jamboree at the Seneca Allegany Casino on Thursday, August 18th! Questions? Please call 716-865-5777, ext. 5500. See flyer below for details:


Every Child Matters Healing Walk

Our Every Child Matters Community Healing Walk will be held September 30, 2022 at the “Sully” Huff Heritage Center. Save the Date for an evening of Remembering and Healing. More details of the event to follow.


View the August AOA Newsletter online

Find out what we are up to this month! https://sni.org/app/uploads/2021/08/August-22-AOA-News.pdf If you’d like a copy mailed to you each month please call or send us a message. Allegany Office: (716) 945-8414 | Cattaraugus Office: (716) 532-5777


Allegany AOA Garden Update:

FREE VEGGIES!! AOA staff member Bridgette John has done a beautiful job tending to the Allegany Elders Center garden. Please feel free to stop by and help yourself to any vegetables that are ready to be picked. Nya:wëh Bridgette and everyone who has contributed to the garden so far!


Are You a Caregiver?

Submitted by Briana Snyder, AOA Options Counselor A family caregiver can be someone caring for a spouse or parent, an extended family member, or even a friend or neighbor. Do you provide someone help with: • Transportation to medical appointments?• Purchasing or organizing medications?• Monitoring their medical condition?• Communicating with health care professionals?• Advocating on […]


Farmers Market Coupons for Elders NOW available at AOA!

Help us spread the word! Effective July 18th, 2022, Farmer’s Market Coupon booklets can be picked up at the Allegany Elder Center or the Wini-Kettle Senior Center. Coupons may also be requested online at: https://form.jotform.com/SNAOA/2022SFMNP For more information contact them at: Cattaraugus Territory:716-532-5777 Allegany Territory:716-945-8414