Regarding AOA Trips Please call or mail in AOA Trip suggestions and comments at least one month in advance. Include the date & time of the event trip you are suggesting. If you have questions, please contact the AOA office.
Attention Elders – AOA Survey
NYS Fair Indian Day If you plan to attend the NYS Fair Indian Day on Friday, August 30th, 2024, please fill out this survey (pictured right) and return it to AOA. You can also complete the survey over the phone by calling Brittany Seneca at 716 532-5777 Ext. 5551. Nya:wëh.
MAY 2024 Activities
Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John & Dorsie Bluesky Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of May. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:
Upcoming Seneca Elder Events
Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. GUEST TICKET MUST BE PAID FOR AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO SHOW. Please arrive 2 hours […]
Attention Elders: We Need your Suggestions & Comments
Regarding AOA Trips Please call or mail in AOA Trip suggestions and comments at least one month in advance. Include the date & time of the event trip you are suggesting. If you have questions, please contact the AOA office.
Attention Elders – AOA Survey
NYS Fair Indian Day If you plan to attend the NYS Fair Indian Day on Friday, August 30th, 2024, please fill out this survey (pictured right) and return it to AOA. You can also complete the survey over the phone by calling Brittany Seneca at 716 532-5777 Ext. 5551. Nya:wëh.
Upcoming Seneca Elder Events
Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned in to the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. GUEST TICKET MUST BE PAID FOR AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO SHOW. Please arrive 2 hours […]
MAY 2024 Activities
Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John & Dorsie Bluesky Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of May. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:
APRIL 2024 Activities
Seneca Allegany Elder (Senior) Center Submitted by Stephanie John & Dorsie Bluesky Stop down to the Allegany Elder/Senior Center and enjoy daily activities throughout the month of April. For more information call Stephanie or Dorsie at (716) 945-8990. Schedule of events listed below:
Safety Tips w/Sheriff Brian Mohr
Cattaraugus & Allegany Events taking place this month! Cattaraugus Territory: When: Tuesday, April 23, 2024Time: 1pmWhere: Wini Kettle Senior Center, Irving Light refreshments and a drawing for those in attendance at both events! Allegany Territory: When: Wednesday, April 24, 2024Time: 5pmWhere: Allegany Senior Center, Jimtown For more information or if you have questions, contact Irma […]