Heyhey, Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ my fellow Senecas! This week marks the first 60 days of this administration’s term. We have completed 6 public meetings to address the community’s stance on the Compact negotiations with NYS. In addition, we are sending out a Compact Public Opinion Poll, which enrolled members may have already received in the mail. […]
Notice of Regular Session of Council
Attention all Enrolled Seneca Members: Next Regular Session of Council to be held on the Cattaraugus Territory Pursuant of Section 12 of the Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians, notice is hereby given to you that the Council of said Nation will convene in Regular Session: When: Saturday, February 8, 2025 Time: Starting at 9:30 a.m. […]
A message from President J.C . Seneca
Hey hey, Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’! Greetings, my fellow Senecas. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful and excited to be your president and I look forward to representing the Seneca Nation to the best of my ability. I’d like to introduce my office staff. Our Allegany Executive Assistant to the President is Bethany […]
Presidential Address
J. Conrad Seneca makes his first address as President of the Seneca Nation during Canvass Day President Seneca shared that his swearing in is “historic,” as his father, former President of the Seneca Nation William Seneca was sworn in on the same date, November 12, exactly 56 years ago. WATCH it:
Canandaigua Treaty Commemoration
230th Anniversary took place on Monday, November 11, 2024 This year marked the 230th anniversary of the historic, federal Canandaigua Treaty of 1794. The annual commemoration took place on the front lawn of the Ontario County Courthouse. The annual commemoration serves to “polish the chain of peace and friendship” between the Hodinöhsö:ni’ (Iroquois or Six […]
A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ Onöndowa’ ga:’ I am humbled by and grateful for the support and trust the Seneca people have shown in choosing me to lead our Nation. I began my service for the Seneca people working on the Steamburg Water Project. I continued with the Seneca Nation Housing Authority for 27 years. I also worked […]
Notice of Regular Session of Council
Attention all Enrolled Seneca Members: Next Regular Session of Council to be held on the Allegany Territory Pursuant of Section 12 of the Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians, notice is hereby given to you that the Council of said Nation will convene in Regular Session: When: Saturday, November 16, 2024 Time: Starting at […]
A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Greetings, I hope that this message finds you well. Hadiwënodajés (The Thunderers) came through the territories this past weekend and ushered in some seasonable weather. Now would be the perfect time to plan a fall ride as the Ohi:yo’ hills are starting to burst with color. Congratulations to the Salamanca Warriors (5-0) varsity football team […]
Excluding William Kelley from Seneca Nation Territories WHEREAS, The Seneca Nation has the inherent right to exclude individuals from the Territories of the Seneca Nation who cause harm or pose a threat to the health and safety of the Seneca Nation and its community members; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Session of Council held on […]
A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Greetings, I hope this message finds you well. Sawádäshäga’tši’ (The season has come to an end again.) The leaves are starting to change, and the nights are getting shorter and cooler. If you get a chance, take a stroll and enjoy the beautiful fall foliage. I hope you had a chance to get out to […]