Clerk President

Notice of Regular Session of Council

Attention all Enrolled Seneca Members: Next Regular Session of Council to be held on the Cattaraugus Territory Pursuant of Section 12 of the Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians, notice is hereby given to you that the Council of said Nation will convene in Regular Session: When: Saturday, December 09, 2023 Time: 9:30 a.m. […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong Sr.

Greetings, The warm weather has escaped for another year. Gone too are the mosquitoes. I hope everyone had the opportunity to experience the beautiful fall colors. Schools are nearly complete with their first marking period and hopefully everyone is doing well. The Salamanca High School Warrior’s varsity football team beat Southwestern for the Section VI, […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.

Greetings, The days are getting shorter and colder. Fall colors and sports are in full swing. Congratulations to the Seneca Sachems Pee Wee team for all your accomplishments this season! More exciting sports news, the International Olympic Committee recently announced that lacrosse will be included in the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. Judicial ElectionsOn November […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong Sr.

Greetings, The cooler fall days and nights are upon us. I hope that you are enjoying the fall foliage and your favorite fall activities. A couple of family favorites are coming up, The H.E.R.O. Trunk-or-Treat at the ACC on October 30th from 5pm-8pm & the CCC Trunk-or-Treat & Costume Contest on October 26th from 5pm-9pm. […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong Sr.

Greetings, This is the time of year that we start planning for colder days and nights. The temperature fluctuates from evening lows in the 40’s to daytime highs in the mid 70’s. Knowing that winter is not too far away, it is important to start making emergency lists for potential storms that could affect heating, […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.

Greetings, Here we are in the month of September, a time that brings about many changes for everyone. Children have started back to school and it is an exciting time for all the students and their families. It’s a brand-new experience for the little ones beginning their school journey in kindergarten and for all grades […]

Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.

The Seneca Nation Executives and Tribal Council will be hosting public meetings for Seneca members as planned. Our first compact was approved by a referendum vote in 2002 and we have had great success in improving the quality of life for Elders, Families, and our Youth. The casino revenue we received beginning in 2003 has […]


Proclamation: Designating September 2023 as RTR Month

The Seneca Nation makes a proclamation designating September 2023 as “Remember the Removal Month” effective August 7, 2023. There still remains a vital need to increase awareness of the history of the Kinzua Dam era and the resulting impact on our communities and way of life. Read the full proclamation below: