Community News

Seneca Artists Featured in 2023 Santa Fe Indian Market guide!

Ja:göh Hayden Haynes – Diverse Art, Samantha Jacobs – Beadwork and Quillwork, and Dallin Maybee – Artist to Watch, all featured in the Native American Art magazine 2023 Santa Fe Indian Market guide. The mission of the Southwestern Association of Indian Arts is “Bringing Native arts to the world by inspiring artistic excellence, fostering education, […]

Community News

Calling ALL Indigenous STEM Professionals

Are you an Indigenous or Native professional working in the STEM field in the northeast? Or are you an Indigenous professional working with STEM students in the northeast? Then we are looking for you! The Lake Erie Professional Chapter of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is looking for new members! Thinking you […]


Gaming Compact Community Meetings

The development of our next gaming compact is vital in our ability to continue providing numerous services to our Members of all ages. We also realize that the negotiation language and terms are important to everyone. Please join Seneca Nation Executives and Councillors for the upcoming GAMING COMPACT COMMUNITY MEETINGS. Refer to schedule below:


Armstrong Calls New State Gaming Compact Offer ‘Absurd, An Insult’

August 14, 2023 | SALAMANCA — Seneca Nation President Rickey Armstrong, Sr. updated the Seneca people Friday on negotiations with New York state over a new gaming compact, which he indicated was not going well. Armstrong called the latest proposals from state negotiators “absurd and an insult to the Seneca Nation.” Nevertheless, Seneca leaders […]


Nya:wëh from the Marvin J. Curry Powwow Committee

The 2023 Marvin J. Curry Powwow Committee had another successful year at the annual cultural celebration. It takes months of planning to bring everyone together to coordinate all the areas to make the event a success. Visitors come from all over Indian Country and learn about the Seneca culture while sharing theirs. We wish to […]


Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center 5 Year Anniversary

The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center celebrated their 5-year anniversary on Saturday, August 5th. The event featured special guest speakers, food and craft vendors, a social dance, and of course, cake! A huge and well-deserved congratulations goes out to the OCC staff for their passion and dedication and all the hard work they do. […]


Every Child Matters Symposium

At Seneca Fire – Cattaraugus On Thursday, August 10th, at the Seneca Fire Cattaraugus Hall, a first-of-its-kind workshop was held for over 70 professionals in local law enforcement, school districts and social service agencies that provide services to our community members in a continued effort to share awareness about the Every Child Matters movement and […]


Applicants Wanted for Native American Heritage Month Fashion Show

at Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino We’re calling on Native fashion designers & models across Turtle Island to participate in our inaugural fashion show held during Native American Heritage Month! Do you or someone you know have what it takes? Apply today! Show Date: November 18, 2023. Designer Application: Application: