
Nya:wëh from the Summer Y.E.S. Program

The Cattaraugus Training & Employment Resource Center and Summer Y.E.S. program recipients would like to say nya:wëh to everyone who donated items to their Basket Raffle Fundraiser and those who purchased tickets! Your support for the Summer Y.E.S. program participants’ end of Summer trip is greatly appreciated! Raffle Winners are as follows: Adirondack Chair Set: […]


Summer Y.E.S Youth Visits Gakwi:yo:h Farms

Fun Day and Corn Cleaning Earlier this month, summer youth from Y.E.S visited Gakwi:yo:h’ Farms and learned howto clean corn. They went through the process of boiling, adding ashes and rinsing. They will then use the corn for soup when the rest of the summer youth come to the farm for their tour. Nya:wëh Teka […]


1st Annual CCC Golf Tournament Champions

Congratulations to Jason Seneca and Lacey Stevens, the 2023 Champions, for winning on a 3rd playoff hole. Congratulations to the following CCC League winners:1st Place: Brad John and Danielle Cooper | 2nd Place: Rod Jimerson and Leslie Jamieson Nya:wëh to all league and tournament participants that came out this season. We look forward to having […]


Come to the Seneca Native Connections Allegany Clubhouse

Located Next to Tribal Advocate and Seneca Strong Our Summer Hours:Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays 1pm-5pm for Ages 12-17! We have a lot of fun activities to do including: Xbox, PS4, Movies, Board Games/Card Games, Puzzles, Crafts, Painting, Drawing, Books, Jewelry Making, Hot Shot Basketball, Ping Pong, Volleyball, Outdoor Basketball Hoop….and so much more!


Ja:göh Kamryn Stafford

Congratulations to Kamryn Stafford who made the 23-24 Lakeshore STORM travel softball team. The STORM is a travel softball organization based out of Angola, established in 2022. Ja:göh Kamryn!


Summer Youth Activities

At Seneca Nation Library – Cattaraugus Branch The summer youth Y.E.S. workers visited the Cattaraugus Library for a workshop. They started with introductions, did a tour of the library, went on a scavenger hunt (library related), signed up for a library card, did rebus puzzles, made a bookmark, and had pizza & wings for lunch. […]


Ja:göh Braxton Sanchez

Representing the Evans Elite 12U Division Champs! Ja:göh Braxton Sanchez (Onöndowa’ga:’ from Ganöda:se’ of the Otá:yö:nih clan), Catcher, and his team as they represent the Evans Elite 12U Division Champions. Braxton is the son of Taryn White, Grandson of Beth Lay & Keith White Sr., Great grandson of Edna Johnson.


School Supply Giveaway

Enter For Cattaraugus Library School Supply Giveaway – 1 entry per day through August 31st! Attention students grade K-12. Stop by the Library and fill out a ticket to enter into the school supply giveaway. 1 entry per day through August 31st. 8 folders, 4 spiral notebooks, 2 composition notebooks, 1 ruler,12 ct pencils, 12 […]


Deyhontsigwa’ehs: The Creator’s Game, Lacrosse Weekend 2023

5th Annual Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Festival Come play where Lacrosse originated and participate in the 3rd annual Randy Hall Masters Wooden Stick Lacrosse Tournament. Deyhontsigwa’ehs: The Creator’s Game, Lacrosse Weekend 2023 will take place Saturday, September 16 – Sunday, September 17, 2023 at Onondaga Lake Park, located at 106 Lake Dr, Liverpool, NY, 13088, in […]


Social Security Assistance

SN Disability Services Residents can now call for an appointment for a phone conference for New Claims, Appeals, Retirement & other business. A SSI Representative will be available on the dates listed below. Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration is still closed to the public. Feel free to contact the Seneca Nation […]