
Attention: VETERANS!

Veteran Affairs (VA) claims and benefits assistance now available! Submitted by Millie Fox, Seneca Nation Veterans Department The Seneca Nation Veterans Department is pleased to announce that Veteran Service Officer (VSO) Steve McCord will be available one day per month on each Territory to assist you with your VA claims and benefits. Set up an […]


Lunch & Learn w/Ganödagae’

Seneca Language Department – Sully Huff Center Spend your lunches with us! We are looking for participants who could ideally make all of the sessions. Check your schedules & see if this is something that you could benefit from! Bring your lunch, enjoy the snacks, & learn the relationships that we have with our environment […]


Social Security Assistance

SN Disability Services Residents can now call for an appointment for a phone conference for New Claims, Appeals, Retirement & other business. A SSI Representative will be available on the dates listed below. Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration is still closed to the public. Feel free to contact the Seneca Nation […]