
Forestry Department gets new front loader

Photos by Seneca Media On Wednesday, November 24th, Forestry received a brand new front-end loader tractor. The new tractor will quickly and efficiently move materials making this a great purchase! Pictured left to right: Councillor Elliot Jimerson, Tractor Sales Rep and Forestry Director William “BJ” John


Gakwi:yoh Farms host annual meat giveaway!

On November 22nd, Gakwi:yoh Farms handed out 180 bags of bison meat, deer meat, and Red Angus beef to community members. Each bag included 4-6lbs for a grand total of 4,000lbs of harvested meat from their farm and the woodlands. Staff from both territories not only hunted and but harvested 20 deer for the community […]


From The Desk Of The Treasurer

Greetings, I keep hearing we’re supposed to have a mild winter. Then, I’ll talk to someone else and they say we’re supposed to have a fierce winter this year. Maybe it will end up being in between, since we already had some snow – then it all melted! Whatever happens, we know we’ll be having […]


ATTENTION: Allegany Higher Education Students

(Both Current & Future Students) Submitted by Gosheneh Kennedy, Higher Education Coordinator, Allegany Education Dept. This is a reminder for any student requesting funding: Spring Semester deadline is December 31st. You can find the Policy & Application at: For those that are eligible for NYS Indian Aid – deadline is January 4th. You can find […]


Talking & Healing Circle w/Christina Porter

Submitted by Corbett Seneca, Crime Victims Advocate, Crime Victims Services When: Tuesday, December 14thTime: 5:30pmWhere: Saylor Dining Room – Cattaraugus Territory Refreshments provided. Whether you choose to share or just be in a supportive and safe space, ALL are welcome!


Department Flyers

What’s happening around the territories? Posted in this issue you’ll find upcoming community center holiday events, classes and more! Posted below you’ll find: CCC Santa Meet and Greet CCC Ugly Sweater Skate Night CCC Western Door Learn to Play CCC Cornhole Tournament CCC Co-ed Volleyball Tournament H.E.R.O Winter Stocking Pick-Up Drive-thru REMINDER SNHS COVID-19 No-Cost […]


In-Person Registration REQUIREMENT

IN PERSON REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT — Please get your Annual In Person Registration completed before December 31, 2021, if you are unsure of your current registration status please feel free to give the Clerk’s Office a call and ask. NOTICE: CONTINUANCE OF WAIVER FOR IN-PERSON ENROLLMENT APPEARANCE MOTION: by Arlene Bova, seconded by Angela Kennedy, that […]


Attention USDA FDPIR Participants

Do you do half of the grocery shopping or obtain at least half of the food supplies for your household? If so, I would like to talk to you! I am an enrolled Seneca doing a research study about our food system and traditional values related to food. I am reaching out to participants who […]