477 Program submitted by Nancy Toth, Acting Director, Allegany Territory The 477 Program offers a variety of services to eligible members who reside on or within a 25 mile radius of the Allegany, Cattaraugus and Oil Springs territories. The program funding originates from three different federal agencies. We offer a Work Experience program of 500 […]
December 11 2020 Issue
Seneca Nation Homeschool Policy
30-day public comment period The Seneca Nation Council is offering a 30-day written public comment period for interested members to review the SENECA NATION HOMESCHOOL POLICY, which has been proposed for adoption. This Policy would establish a Nation Homeschool Program for Seneca parents seeking to homeschool their Seneca child or children. The Nation Homeschool Program […]
Oaktree Apartment Complex Update
Please be advised that the Oaktree Apartment Complex is still under strictly limited visitation status until further notice. For details or any questions, contact the Seneca Nation Housing Authority at 716-532-5000.
AOA welcomes new counselor
Briana Snyder, new Options Counselor at SNI AOA would be happy to meet with individuals and their family members, as desired, to discuss long-term care choices. What is an Options Counselor? Options counseling is a person-centered service for older individuals or their caregivers. It is defined as “an interactive decision-support process whereby consumers, family members […]
Department Flyers
Below you’ll find: Gakwe:yo:h Farms Winter Meat Giveaway Seneca-Iroquois National Museum Gift Shop Sale Seneca Nation Veterans Dept. Winter Clothing & Blanket Drive
SN Advocate Notice: HEAP
The Seneca Nation Advocate Program will be accepting applications for the Regular Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefit starting on November 5, 2020. This benefit will run until March 2021 or if the funding runs out, whichever comes first. Also starting on November 5, The Advocate Program will be accepting applications for the […]
REMINDER from Emergency Management
Submitted by Dawn Stevens The Seneca Nation Emergency Management Department’s mass notification messaging service called Regroup is intended to provide SN Employees and Community Members with broadcast services in the event of emergencies, closings, delays, and health/safety messages. This service allows fast and reliable communications via mobile devices, landlines & email. If you are interested […]
Crime Victim Services Survey Assessment
Attention: Seneca Nation Community Members We are seeking your help with providing information to develop a community-focused strategic plan to improve services to victims. The Seneca Nation has received funding to develop/improve direct services to victims in our community. With your assistance in completing this survey, it will help guide the process for future services. […]
Disability Services reminder to all program participants
Please remember to do your “IN PERSON” yearly registration to be in compliance with the Clerk’s office in order to continue receiving your payments. If you cannot get to the office please call us and we can do a pick up and notarize the paperwork needed for the Clerk’s Office. Call us at 716-532-4900 Ext […]
Video chat Seneca Language Lessons via Skype (Allegany)
Submitted by Ja:no’s Bowen Novice Mid – High Level Conversational Seneca class Fridays at 10 AM via Skype.Study is mandatory! This class requires completion of the course materials covered in the Novice Low/Very Beginner Conversational Seneca Class on Mondays (or the equivalent). You must take a small speaking assessment to participate in this class. For […]