
Promising Futures

Cornell University’s American Indian Studies Program Each spring, AIISP hosts Promising Futures, an outreach and recruitment program to encourage prospective Indigenous undergraduate students to apply to Cornell University. This day-long, in-person campus experience will introduce high school students to the Cornell admissions process, financial aid, the NYS Indian Aid application process, AIISP programming, student support […]


Our Longhouse Documentary

Submitted by Maurice John, Jr., Seneca Media/CRNY Artist In 2022, Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center/Seneca-Iroquois National Museum constructed and began the “Living Longhouse” Project. This grassroots community effort has become a hub of activity hosting events for our people and providing a unique attraction for visitors. Documenting the process, the video “Our Longhouse” was created and has […]


2024 SNI Calendars

The 2024 Seneca Nation calendars are here! They are available for pickup at the following locations: The President’s Office The Treasurers Office Allegany Council Office Cattaraugus Council Office Clerk’s Office Allegany Clerk’s Office Cattaraugus Allegany AOA Cattaraugus AOA LRJHC Cattaraugus Wellness Center Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center Special deliveries have been made to the Buffalo and Erie […]


Hand-Knit a Chunky Scarf

Join the Seneca Nation Education Department on Tuesday, January 9th and learn the basics of hand knitting to create your own scarf from our friends at Create Flow Buffalo. This is a beginner friendly class, no experience necessary, the event will be guided! Includes all materials and instruction. Call to reserve your spot: 716-532-3341. The […]


Fire Extinguisher Training

Allegany Territory Stop down to the Seneca Allegany Fire Hall on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6pm to learn about fire safety and what to do when there is a fire! This upcoming fire extinguisher training is open to the public. The first 20 families will receive a FREE smoke/carbon monoxide detector.


Social Security Assistance

SN Disability Services Cattaraugus residents can now call for an appointment for a phone conference for New Claims & Appeals. A SSI Representative will be available on the dates listed below. Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration is still closed to the public. Feel free to contact the Seneca Nation Disability Services […]


Attention: VETERANS!

Veteran Affairs (VA) claims and benefits assistance now available! Submitted by Millie Fox, Seneca Nation Veterans Department The Seneca Nation Veterans Department is pleased to announce that Veteran Service Officer (VSO) Steve McCord will be available one day per month on each Territory to assist you with your VA claims and benefits. Set up an […]