
Seneca Gaming turns to GAN for desktop and mobile gaming solutions

By Chris Murphy -February 2, 2021 Internet gaming software firm GAN Limited has entered into a definitive agreement with the Seneca Gaming Corporation to provide its Simulated Gaming solutions to SGC patrons across all properties on both desktop and mobile. The unique solution is powered by GAN’s core Simulated Gaming software and provides, said the […]


BANISHMENT RESOLUTION- S.M.A.D- Seneca Mothers Against Drugs

60 Day Comment period for the proposed resolution: WHEREAS, the purpose of the government of the Seneca Nation of Indians is to safeguard the people so they may feel secure within our Territories. In the preamble of our Constitution, it is written, “…to provide for ourselves greater safeguards to pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, […]

Feature President

A message from President Matthew B. Pagels

Nya’weh sgë:nö’ gagwe: göh, If you didn’t already know Punxsutany Phil saw his shadow on Ground Hog’s Day, which predicts 6 more weeks of winter!! We are fortunate to have had a rather mild winter with only a couple significant snow events. The countdown to spring is here. With the changing seasons I’m hopeful we […]


Presidential Updates

Don’t forget to follow & subscribe to the Seneca Media & Communications Center YouTube Channel to watch President Pagels’ up-to-date virtual messages! President Matthew Pagels has been addressing important Nation news, the status of all things COVID-19 related on our Territories and everything in between over the course of the last few months via short […]


Executive Order

Continuation of Exclusion for Cedric Cobb, Bradley Gabel and Ariel Eyoto See Executive order here: Exclusions:


From The Desk Of The Treasurer

Greetings, I understand Punxatawney Phil and Dunkirk Dave may have had a difference of opinion recently, about how much more winter we can expect. Phil predicted six more weeks of winter; and Dave predicted an early spring. Either way, keep enjoying your outdoor winter activities and stay safe! For those looking for indoor activities, the […]


News From The Clerk’s Office

CLERK’S OFFICE UPDATE Due to concerns with the rise of COVID-19 cases on and near our territories, the Clerk’s Office will be closed to the General Public. We will remain open with a walk-up window for limited services. Our hours will be Monday through Friday; 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, on both territories. Clerk’s Office […]


President Pagels responds to Biden’s order

Seneca Nation President Pagels responds to President Biden’s order on tribal consultation and strengthening Nation-to-Nation relationships “The Seneca Nation continues to welcome President Biden’s willingness to put words into action and take steps to assure that the sovereignty of Native people is recognized – something that for too long has fallen by the wayside. It […]