NO IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE AT THIS TIME! The next quarterly stakeholders meeting will be held VIRTUALLY: January 22, 2022 at 10 a.m. Please see information below on how to RSVP. Please note: RSVP is REQUIRED TO ATTEND.
January 14 2022 Issue
Gaming Compact Community Meetings
Please join us for a GAMING COMPACT UPDATE. ~ For Enrolled Senecas Allegany Territory Meeting: January 19th at the ACC | Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Cattaraugus Territory Meeting: January 20th at the CCC | Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Attention: COVID-19 Safety Protocols in place.
Notice: Pesticide Use Permit Application Meeting
The Environmental Protection Department and Business Permit The Environmental Protection Department and Business Permit Office will be conducting a brief meeting with the community regarding the application of pesticides on-territory. We will be available to answer any questions or comments you may have regarding pesticides. This meeting will be held virtually on GoToMeeting at the […]
Superintendent Bryce Thompson Retires From Attica Central School District After 30+ Years In Education
By Tami Watt, Editor Bryce Thompson, Snipe clan, originally from the Cattaraugus Territory, has made the decision to retire after dedicating his extensive career to the education system, both on and off territory. Mr. Thompson was instrumental in the developing the Seneca Language Regents exam as an alternative for Indigenous high school students back in […]
Happy Birthday Frank!!
Submitted by Marlene Cook May you smile bright & live everyday like it’s an adventure. Sending warm wishes your way. Love ya always,Momma
Ja:goh Marie Watt for making Hyperallergic’s “Best of 2021: Our Top 10 New York City Art Shows”
December 7, 2021 | The city brought shows to life that will be talked about for years to come. These are the shows that Hyperallergic’s critics, both staff and contributors thought were the most compelling of the year. Though it was a year of tentative venturing back out into the open to look at […]
Thank you from the family of Kate Swantek:
The family of Kate Swantek would like to thank our family and friends for being there in our time of need. Special thanks to Seneca Fire, Seneca EMS, Iroquois Post #1587 and the staff at Chaffe Hospital. We thank everyone for all the food, donations, flowers, stories from the past and a shoulder to cry […]
Help Dream Catcher Foundation Provide Bikes for the Children of Seneca Nation
Councillor Josh Jimerson has been working with Rob Canton from the A+C (Athletes and Causes) Foundation on behalf of Eli Ankou, Defensive Lineman for the Buffalo Bills and member of the Ojibwe tribe. His mother, Nicole Ankou, was born into Dokis First Nation, while his fiancee, Shayna Powless is a member of the Oneida Tribe […]
Salamanca School District seeking instructors for community courses
The Salamanca CSD Adult Education program is seeking part-time Instructors to facilitate late afternoon/evening/weekend community enrichment courses in Fitness, Painting, Woodwork, Craft, Baking, Cooking, Photography, Video Editing, 3D Printing, Martial Arts, CNC Machining, Welding, Early Childhood Literacy/Math, Seneca Language & Culture or other crafts & trades. These courses can be taught in person or remotely. […]
Update from the Title VI Office:
Silver Creek Central School District Submitted by Mary Williams, Title VI Native American Ed. Program Coord. Every year, by statute and/or presidential proclamation, the month of November is recognized as National Native American Heritage Month. So, in honor of this month, and through the school year, Silver Creek Central has provided different cultural activities/programs to […]