
Seneca Veteran Military Experience Interviews

The Seneca Nation Veteran’s Department would like to interview Seneca Veterans willing to share their military experiences. Interviews will be recorded and preserved through audio and/or video formats and will be shared publicly. Please be assured that the veteran’s comfort level will be given the highest priority. If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, […]


Social Security Assistance

SN Disability Services Residents can now call for an appointment for a phone conference for New Claims, Appeals, Retirement & other business. A SSI Representative will be available on the dates listed below. Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration is still closed to the public. Feel free to contact the Seneca Nation […]


Upcoming Seneca Elder Events

Submitted by Irma Cortes Sign-up sheets for shows will be available 1 MONTH prior to the event. Numbers are turned into the Casino 1 week prior, if you have a change in plans please cancel before then. Please arrive 2 hours prior to show for buffet and no later than 30 minutes prior. Make sure […]