How can you tell if your child is using drugs or alcohol? Teens are known to have mood swings. However, some behavior may indicate more serious issues, such as abuse of drugs and alcohol. Here are some of the warning signs of drug use. Problems at school• Frequently forgetting homework.• Missing classes or skipping […]
June 18 2021 Issue
Why do Teens Use Drugs?
Get Smart About Drugs – A DEA Resource For Parents, Educators & Caregivers The teen years are often a time to explore and learn more about themselves as they approach adulthood. Often, this involves experimenting and testing their boundaries. The desire to do something new or risky is a normal part of teen development. […]
Buying Drugs Online
– What You Should Know & How to Protect Your Kids Where are kids getting drugs? Twenty years ago, the answer to this question would only have been: from classmates at school, from friends at a party, or from a medicine cabinet. Fast forward to today and you’ll find that young people are also […]
Drugs and Sexual Assault: What You Should Know April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month Whether at a bar, at a party, or even at a “friend’s” home – drug-facilitated sexual assault can happen to anyone at any time. For this reason, it’s important that the young people in your life understand the danger and are aware of the facts to protect themselves […]
How dealing with past trauma may be the key to breaking addiction
Opening up to past trauma is difficult, but self-awareness is key to addressing issues that leave us vulnerable By Joanna Moorhead | Reprinted from What’s your poison, people sometimes ask, but Gabor Maté doesn’t want to ask what my poison is, he wants to ask how it makes me feel. Whatever it is I’m […]
The Disease Concept…
Submitted by a recovering Seneca Addict/Alcoholic If you ask a doctor what addiction or alcoholism is, they may tell you that it is a chronic brain disease, characterized by compulsively seeking drugs and using them or compulsively drinking alcohol, despite harmful consequences. A doctor may tell you it’s considered a brain disease, because drugs change […]
Did you know?
From the Seneca Arts & Learning Center (SALC) • DID YOU KNOW that according to the CDC more than 750,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose? Two out of three drug overdose deaths in 2018 involved an opioid.• DID YOU KNOW that according to the US Department of Human Services in 2019, […]
What Is Addiction…?
“Addiction is any behavior that a person finds relief and therefore, craves in the short-term, but suffers negative consequences in the long-term and doesn’t give up despite the negative consequences. Addiction is not a choice that anybody makes. It’s not a moral failure. It’s not an ethical lapse. It’s not a weakness of character. It’s […]
Kids Escaping The Anti-Drug National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and National Institute on Drug Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Office of National Drug Control Alcoholics Anonymous World Narcotics Anonymous […]
Native Connections
Honor your journey. Rory Wheeler honors his journey by being a member of the Seneca Nation Volunteer Fire Department. To learn more about Native Connections follow them on Facebook or visit their website at Make sure to check out the UPCOMING EVENTS and programs they offer.