Departments Elders

AOA Blizzard Box Distribution

Photos by Seneca Media & Communications The Area Office for the Aging (AOA) recently held their Blizzard Box Distribution for elders 60 years+ on both the Cattaraugus & Allegany Territories. There were 300 boxes available for each territory and each box contained shelf-stable food for an emergency food supply. Keep staying safe and healthy out […]

Feature President

A message from President Matthew B. Pagels

Nya:wëh sgë:nö’, This year is off to a flying start. We are already into March. Last year the world was facing the beginning of global pandemic and this year we are slowly moving toward normalcy. With the weather improving we can all get out and about very soon. This newsletter edition recognizes all of our […]


T.E.R.C. Updates

SNI Training & Employment Resource Center Below you’ll find updates and services offered by the department. Click on the files to enlarge: Work Readiness Workshops T.E.R.C. 477 Program T.E.R.C. & T.E.R.O. Tradesmen Informational Video


Public Notice: SNIEDC Charter Amendments

Public Comments The Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development Company (“SNIEDC”) is currently undergoing revisions to its Charter.  Below are some highlights of the revisions to the Charter. The full Charter can be viewed at SNI Clerk’s Office or digitally (follow the link below). Public Comments in regard to the Charter Amendments should be submitted […]


From The Desk Of The Treasurer

Greetings, Sincere, heartfelt condolences to all of those in our community who have suffered the loss of loved ones, due to the COVID-19 virus. Back in March of last year, there was no way of knowing how this would affect our community. As we established a taskforce, developed protocol and strategized – I remember thinking […]

Departments Elders

Allegany Territory Social Security Representative

PHONE INTERVIEWS ONLY Ms. Valerie Couch will be available for PHONE INTERVIEWS only at this time. Call the SN Disability’s office at 716-532-4900 ext. 5152 for appt. times. WHEN: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month | Starting March 17, 2021. Ms. Couch will be available to answer any concerns or questions you may have with […]


News From The Clerk’s Office

Please stay Safe & HealthyAs Spring 2021 approaches, we will continue to monitor the current pandemic & practice safety measures that protect the Staff and Community as a whole. CLERK’S OFFICE UPDATEDue to concerns with the COVID-19 cases on and near our territories, the Clerk’s Office will be closed to the General Public. We will […]


REMINDER from Emergency Management

Submitted by Dawn Stevens The Seneca Nation Emergency Management Department’s mass notification messaging service called Regroup is intended to provide SN Employees and Community Members with broadcast services in the event of emergencies, closings, delays, and health/safety messages. This service allows fast and reliable communications via mobile devices, landlines & email. If you are interested […]