
Congratulations to Mason Rose!

Submitted by Brenda L. Bennett Congratulations to Mason Rose, swimmer athlete representing Erie Community College (ECC) Men’s Swimming & Diving, Northeast District, who recently competed in the 2021 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Swimming and Diving National Championships held at Indian River State College (IRSC) in Fort Pierce, Florida. On May 1, 2021, Mason […]


Iroquois Nationals Women’s Program Evaluations

Mark your calendars for June 26-27th! Calling all interested female lacrosse players: Evaluations for PALA 6s, World Games 2022, and the 2022 World Championships will be held June 26-27 at SUNY Cortland, NY. Evaluations will be free to all interested. Ja:goh Interim Coach Claudia Jimerson. Any questions may be directed to the Iroquois Nationals facebook […]


SGC Seeks SNI Members For Photo Shoot!

Contact them ASAP to star in their advertisements YOU could star in our advertisements! Seneca Gaming Corporation seeks Seneca Nation members for an upcoming photo shoot the week of June 7 at the Seneca Office Building in Niagara Falls. Interested? Email a recent photo with contact info to ASAP!


Cash and Cline – Together Again

Due to the current situation with COVID-19, Palladin is rescheduling the upcoming Cash & Cline Tribute Show at Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino to Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2 PM. All tickets will be honored for the new date or you may choose any other Seneca Allegany or Seneca Niagara Matinee Shows sponsored by […]


Chief Red Jacket Peace Medal Repatriation Ceremony

Submitted by Hayden Haynes, Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center, Photos by SNI Newsletter Staff On May 17th, the Red Jacket peace medal was repatriated to the Seneca People in front of a crowd of 160 at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center on the Allegany Territory. The medal was previously in the care of the Buffalo History Museum. Under […]


SNI Department of Education Higher Education Graduation Program

On Thursday, May 20th, the Seneca Nation Higher Education Department, along with Nation Executives held a ceremony and drive-thru dinner from The Villaggio for the Class of 2021 college graduates at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center and Allegany Community Center. The graduates received congratulation remarks from President Matthew Pagels, Trudy Jackson (Cattaraugus Director of Education) and […]


ECLC & SALC Teachers Honored

Photos by Seneca Media & Communications President Matthew Pagels, Executives and Council honored the ECLC/SALC teachers in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week. Ja:goh for all that you do for our children!


New Seneca One Stop Officially Opens In Downtown Buffalo

Gas station convenience store will operate from 6 a.m.-10 p.m. daily BUFFALO CREEK TERRITORY, BUFFALO, N.Y. – With the unofficial start of the summer tourism and travel season just a week away, area motorists can now take advantage of the Seneca Nation’s latest investment in downtown Buffalo to help meet their needs. Nation officials gathered […]

Departments Elders

Protecting Our Elders

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month Elders are an important part of our community. They are our first teachers. Their knowledge, language and experiences are passed down from generation through stories or by example. They share their pain, triumphs and vision for the future. As community members, we must respect, honor and protect our elders […]


News from SNI Utilities

Attention all waterline users on Cattaraugus Territory Please note that during the month of June the SNI Waterline will be doing some routine maintenance to keep our waterlines working to their best capabilities. We will be flushing lines in your vicinity on these dates: • Zone I- Irving/Bucktown Area: June 8,2021 • Zone II- Mid […]