Seneca Nation and Tuscarora teach about abundance and tradition at NYPA event September 27, 2021 | Our nation borders their’s but until we take the time to visit, or emissaries come to share in things like the New York Power Authority Wildlife Festival, we don’t always always think twice about the indigenous people and […]
November 12 2021 Issue
Students learn real history in Indigenous health disparities course
October 13, 2021 | Photo: Dean Seneca’s Indigenous health disparities course aims to teach students the real histories of American Indian and Alaska Native people, and how the injustices they faced created many of the health disparities that remain today. Photo: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki As a child, Katherine Connelly loved Disney’s “Pocahontas.” It told […]
Fifth Juried Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show Live, In-Person November 20
All Six Haudenosaunee Nations Represented in Six Categories By Amy Blum | November 5, 2021 Victor, NY—After last year’s online-only exhibit, Ganondagan’s fifth juried Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show will go live, in-person for one day on Saturday, November 20 at the Seneca Art & Culture Center before it moves to an online exhibit. This year, 55 […]
SU Indigenous students find Columbus statue ‘offensive and threatening’
October 27, 2021 | Photo: Syracuse community members have called for the statue to be taken down and Columbus Circle to be renamed, but the measures have faced opposition. Photo credit: Wendy Wang Indigenous students and faculty at Syracuse University have expressed their frustration toward celebrations surrounding the statue of Christopher Columbus in Syracuse. […]
New York Connects Update
Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’ To All Seneca Community Members Submitted by Lafayette Williams We at New York Connects would like to let you know that we are still operating during this pandemic of the COVID-19. We can help you with your long-term services and supports and needs for people of all ages, any disability, and caregivers. New […]
Breaking Barriers: How Scanlan is Making Waves in the Indigenous Lacrosse World
October 22, 2021 | | Jacksonville University Women’s Lacrosse Her long black hair bounces off her shoulders as she rushes down the field with her eyes locked on the goal, her hands gripped tightly around her lacrosse stick. Once she slings the ball with force past the goalkeeper, she erupts into celebration. Miya Scanlan […]
Upcoming Warrior Games
Warrior Games: Keepers of the Western Door Youth Lacrosse Tournament When: January 14-16, 2022 See flyer below for details:
Native American Heritage Month
At Seneca Resorts & Casinos Check out the schedule and flyers below for upcoming events:
The Inside Scoop w/Dr. Lori Quigley
November 2021 Below you’ll find Seneca Gaming Corporation news and updates for the month of October provided by Dr. Lori Quigley, SGC Chairwoman.
A message from President Matthew B. Pagels
Nya:weh sgënö’ gagwe:göh, I’m very thankful you are well. November is the month we give thanks for many things. I’m thankful we are working together as a community to stay healthy. Our numbers for COVID are elevated this week. We currently have 38 cases indicated on the COVID hub, 31 in Allegany, 3 in Cattaraugus […]