The Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center is providing a 3-part professional development series for artists. Session 1 will be led by antler carver Hayden Haynes, (Seneca, Deer Clan) and will focus on how to price your work, promote yourself, promote your work, photograph your work, present your work, expand your network, and more. Session 2 & 3 […]
October 13 2023 Issue
Domestic Violence Awareness
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Please wear Purple on Thursday, October 19th. Together, we can show support to end Domestic violence. Let us remember our traditional ways. Domestic Violence is not our tradition. If you or a loved one needs help, please call the Connecting Communities In Action 24/7 hotline at (716) 532-8185, […]
Attention: VETERANS!
Veteran Affairs (VA) claims and benefits assistance now available! Submitted by Millie Fox, Seneca Nation Veterans Department The Seneca Nation Veterans Department is pleased to announce that Veteran Service Officer (VSO) Steve McCord will be available one day per month on each Territory to assist you with your VA claims and benefits. Set up an […]