First Place: 32’sSecond Place: WoodsmenThird Place: 32’s Gold New this year was the All Tourney MVP award in memory of Darren K. Stevens which was awarded to Preston Lay! Ja:goh!
September 30 2022 Issue
Team Catt-Rez Wins Second Annual Dunkirk Fredonia Lions Tournament
The Dunkirk Fredonia Lions Club recently hosted its second annual golf tournament fundraiser on August 6th at Vineyards Golf Course. The event was deemed a success and the third annual tournament date is set for Saturday, August 5, 2023. Seventy-two golfers participated in teams of four people in this year’s event. There were many prize […]
Local Halloween Events Begin Soon!
As we bring in October and fall, we also welcome the local Halloween and Halloween inspired events happening within the community. Activities and fun for ALL AGES are planned throughout the month including truck-or-treat events, costume contests, scary storytelling, pumpkin carving contests, hay rides and much more! Enjoy these Spooktacular events and have a safe […]
Seneca Resorts & Casinos Hiring
Seneca Resorts & Casinos is searching for a confident, dynamic, forward-thinking individual to lead the corporation’s Information Technology department. • Local industry-leader in gaming and entertainment• Robust and comprehensive benefits package• Competitive, experience-based compensation Learn more at
Fish & Wildlife Survey Discovers 70 New Hellbenders
Since 2009, the Seneca Nation Fish and Wildlife Department has made vast efforts to study, repopulate and protect hellbenders in the Allegheny River aka Ohi:yo’ and reservoir that flows through New York to Pennsylvania. Hellbenders are native to Ohi:yo’ and home to the first known sighting at Wolfe’s Run prior to the Kinzua Dam construction. […]
Six Nations Agricultural Society (Allegany and Cattaraugus) at the NYS Fair’s Indian Village
And that’s a wrap…this year, the Six Nations Agricultural Society (SNAS) – Ohi:yo’ was the host nation for the NYSF Indian Village from August 24th – September 5th. Members of Ohi:yo’ group selected Gahsëni’de’ Hubbell as the Ambassador/Princess and Kelvin George as the dancer to represent their community. Gahsëni’de’ Hubbell, NYSF Ambassador/Princess was chosen based […]
HSED Graduation
Training & Employment Holds HSED Graduation Ceremony On August 10th, 2022, the Training & Employment Resource Center (TERC) held their annual HSED (high school equivalency) graduation at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center Amphitheater at the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum for the graduates of 2022. This year we had 10 graduates for both territories. Ganö:nyök was recited by […]
Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Immersion Program
Congrats to Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Immersion Program New Graduates! Ja:goh! Ja:goh to the Seneca Language Immersion Graduates! Teaching & learning our language is vital to preserving and protecting our culture and traditions. Shout out to: Derise Jagodawë:h Waterman Sherrise Gaeyë’jöh John Alexander Deyo ‘ha śe ‘ Jimerson Nya:wëh Tuscarora Woodworks for the beautiful boxes gifted to […]
A message from President Matthew B. Pagels
Gagwe:göh sgë:nö’, I hope you are all well as the weather is starting to cool down a little and everyone is getting ready for winter. It often gets colder after the Fall Festival. It was great to see everyone out and about at the Festival and I am thankful for those who make the Festival […]
From The Desk Of The Treasurer
Greetings, As anticipated, the Seneca Nation 2022-2023 Budget was approved by Council at a brief Special Council session held on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022. We are operating leaner than we have in previous years, without reducing services to our communities. As we are all aware, the Seneca Nation does not operate with a tax base. […]