Seneca Nation Statement On Raising Pride Flag At Nation’s Administration Building
CATTARAUGUS TERRITORY – This afternoon, leaders from the Seneca Nation and members of the LGBTQ2S+ community gathered at the William Seneca Administration Building to raise a special flag, featuring the Seneca Nation seal, in recognition of Pride Month. The flag will fly outside of the Nation’s administration building through the end of June.
President Matthew Pagels issued the following statement:
“We are a proud nation of diverse people from all backgrounds, where everyone is recognized, respected and supported, and all voices are heard. Our people are all descendants of our eight clans, as represented on our Nation seal. We are all Seneca. We have stood united throughout history, and we stand together today.
I want to recognize the members of our LGBTQ2S+ community for their passion, and the members of our Council for their consideration and understanding. I believe this is a significant moment and an important display of unity within our Seneca community.