Nya:weh sgënö ga:gwëgöh, agajëgwah gagwe:göh jöhiyoa:jë’,
November is a time of Thanksgiving. In our daily address we give thanks to everything around us which supports, sustains and protects us. We give thanks to one another and become of one mind. Our ancestors gave us this address to keep peace and balance so we can live in harmony with one other. I’m thankful for this message.
It’s during times like what we are experiencing with the coronavirus pandemic when we need to support one another and keep each other safe. Unfortunately, we continue to see a rise in positive cases on both Territories and in our surrounding communities. According to the Erie County Department of Health report, Erie Co. has seen a 37% increase in positive cases from the previous week. The highest number of cases are reported in the age group of 30-39 years old. Western NY infection rate is above 6 %, the highest in the state.
Our recent COVID report indicates we are now at 51 active cases – 38 detected by Allegany Health, 9 detected by Cattaraugus and 4 detected by blue stone testing. Salamanca and Gowanda schools briefly returned to remote learning recently caused by significant staffing issues due to COVID.
I cannot express how important it is to monitor for symptoms, get tested and vaccinated. Following COVID protocols can lower the spread of the virus. It is vital as we gather for the holidays with family and friends. Stay home if you are experiencing any of the COVID symptoms, use good judgment and awareness when going out into the community. Wear your mask, practice social distancing and be vigilant about keeping hands clean.
Booster shots are available to anyone who is interested at each health facility. Contact Teri Cowles at Allegany at 716-945-5894 and Kim Bradley in Cattaraugus at 716-532-5582 or by filling out the online form at SenecaHealth.org/vaccine to schedule all vaccinations.
We recently held Canvass Day for our newly elected judges. Congratulations and nya:wëh for answering the call to service to protect our people and to uphold our constitution.
This month we also celebrated Veteran’s Day. We had an opportunity to recognize our members who served in the military. We have had more than 1,000 members serve since World War I. Collectively we have a higher proportion of US servicemen than any other minority group. We are thankful our Veterans have put service in front of self. Nya:wëh to those who have served and those who continue to serve.
Stay safe, stay strong, Dah ne’hoh dih ae’
Matthew B. Pagels
COVID-19 No-Cost Testing Services (Info posted below)