Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ gagwe:göh,
It is a great start to summer! We have exciting events happening this month. Our high school seniors will soon be high school graduates. Banquets honoring their accomplishments were held on both Territories last week. I was honored to be able to speak to our youth as they venture out into their future. We are very proud of their accomplishments and wish them well after graduation.
We are also proud of our athletes as some of our teams competed for the division championship and others successfully moved forward into State championships. The Lake Shore/Silver Creek boys’ lacrosse team won the Far West Regional Championship. Good luck Eagles as you move on to the NYS Semi Finals! Their hard work and dedication to their sport has paid off. Congratulations athletes, coaches, parents and fans for supporting each other!
Lake Shore/Silver Creek boys’ lacrosse team
The Seneca Nation Environmental Department recently contracted an agency to begin aerial spraying of the spongy moth (gypsy moth) on both Territories. As you may have noticed this invasive species is rather high this year and could cause major defoliation if left untreated.
We would like to send our prayers to the families in Uvalde, Texas. Although all mass shootings are horrific, it is extremely heartbreaking when young children are targeted. The Nation will review our policies and protocols to protect our Learning Centers and children.
Moving on to a COVID 19 update, we continue to have an elevated number of COVID cases on both Territories. Please continue to get vaccinations and boosters to protect our community. While breakthrough cases occur, the symptoms are much less severe with the vaccination.
At home test kits are available at the Community Centers and Administration Buildings lobbies. Please contact the health centers or with EMS at (716)-220-2442 for an appointment.
Have a great week and stay safe,
Matthew B. Pagels