Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson

June is the end of the school year, and some students are looking forward to the break from school and others are looking forward to graduation from high school. Our prayers are with all the students for a safe and happy summer and for the graduates our prayers are for a successful future. Congratulations go out to all the students and parents for completing the school year.
June is also a time to celebrate fathers. Our community needs strong male role models to build strong loving families. We all have one father – the Creator – who shows us his love every day of our lives. We can be thankful for our earthly and heavenly Father.
Years ago our church bought new hymnals and families purchased one in memory of family members. Some of those who were honored include:
• Eli L. Jimerson, Sr. – given by Lois Jimerson
• John Button – given by Frances Jemison
• Horace & Ida Thompson – given by Harlan Thompson
• George & Jennie Button – given by Winifred Twoguns
• Robert Kenjockety Sr. – given by Robert Jr. and Sheila Kenjockety
• Merwin Pierce Sr. – given by 12 grandchildren
If you are interested in joining the Seneca Hymn Singers, feel free to contact Janet “Beeda” Parker (532-2478). Rehearsals are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. in our fellowship hall. Stop in and visit with them!
Everyone is invited to join us at Four Corners for word and song on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. followed by refreshments in our fellowship hall. You will be provided with word and music to carry you through the week. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Peace be with you.